Tuesday 17 July 2012



Efficient Eating.  Breaking it down. 

Clients will often ask what to eat.  When to eat.  What is best post workout and pre-work, and the list goes on.  With so many trends in #diets #supplement #products #organic&local it can get confusing when you go looking for answers.

Here is a simple breakdown on efficient eating for a healthier / happier you.


The Keys


-  Eat often and eat well (2-3 hours, within 30mins after waking & exercise)
-  Drink plenty of water (2.5-3L of fluids a day)
-  Fuel your body with balanced meals of complex carbs, lean protein, healthy fats & vibrant colors

What to eat?

Carbs - Complex carbs such as brown rice, oatmeal (steel cut oats), sweet potatoes, whole grains or alternative grains (brown rice, spelt), beans, whole foods: veggies and fruit!

Lean Proteins...

For vegetarians quantity is key to get enough calories and proteins from alternative sources: quinoa, soy, nuts and and plant based protein.  Whey protein, hemp or soy may also be a good product to *supplement look for natural brands.  For meat eaters eggs, chicken, tuna, salmon, lean ground beef and dairy like cottage cheese and Greek yogurt.


You need healthy fats:  Olive oil, nuts, avocado, salmon, flax seed oil, natural peanut or almond butter.


There is no magic pill.  If you've consulted a doctor and have been advised that you are lacking or deficient in a certain mineral or vitamin then you can look towards supplements.  Otherwise get your nutrients from whole / unprocessed foods.

*For those training fairly intensely to build muscle and feel their diets are lacking in protein.


(low prep time)

8:00am - Wake Up
Refresh with H20

8:30am - Breakfast
Steel Cut Oats / Banana / Blueberries / Walnuts / Drizzle Honey & Almond Milk

11:00am - Snack
Cottage Cheese / Fruit / Nuts

1:00pm - Lunch
Baby Spinach / Salmon / Tomatoes / Cucumbers / Peppers / Egg / Flax Dressing

3:00pm - Snack
Protein Smoothie / Whey or Hemp Protein / Banana / Frozen Fruit / Almond Butter / Cayenne Pepper / Almond Milk

6:00pm - Dinner
Grilled Chicken Breast / Steamed Broccoli / Baked Sweet Potato or Brown Rice

9:00pm - Snack 
Repeat a snack from above on a smaller scale

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